January Jones-God versus Satan with Barbara Archer

Barbara Archer shares how Jesus Christ brought her through life’s obstacles and how Satan had other plans, but God’s plans always prevail.


Barbara Archer

Atlanta Georgia— Within the pages of Ms. Barbara Archer autobiography Tell All From Insanity to Sane ($11.95 paperback, ISBN-13: 978-0692552407. The author speaks of her life story – about family, relationships, friends, three failed marriages, suicide attempt and the church. The book highlights the most devastating circumstances which now Barbara knows was out of her very own disobedience. How many times do we go around playing the blame game? Even in the church we are guilty. She wants others to understand that God has been faithful to her even when she did not deserve it, nor was totally faithful to God herself. Barbara proclaims that God blessed and restored her for being obedient to Him and allowing God to go deep to the very root of her soul, a place she never allowed anyone to go. Barbara wants readers to know that God will always turn situations around – but in His own time.

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