New Moon in Aries…What You Need to Know

On March 27th the new moon appeared in the sign of Aries. A new moon is the phase of the moon when it passes between the earth and the sun. It is invisible in the sky although it may be seen at sunset as a very thin crescent. New moon energy invites us to set an intention. What that means is that we focus on something we would like to see happen in our lives. It can be personal or material. This new moon is in the fire sign of Aries. Aries asks us to go full steam ahead, act before thinking but because the planet Venus is in retrograde (retrograde means that the planet when observed from the earth appears to be moving backwards) we are being beckoned to proceed with caution. Rather than making bold moves we are encouraged to look inward and set an intention that facilitates our personal growth. While Venus is usually all about I love you with it being in Aries it is all about I love me.  With that in mind focus on self-love, self-approval, and self-confidence.

Is there a project or business you have been wanting to start? This would be a good time to get the ball rolling but you have to be sure that you are approaching it from a place of self-confidence. So if you are a bit timid use this Aries Warrior energy to amp your self confidence. Mirror work is a great tool to use. Here is how it works:

Standing in front of a mirror make eye contact with yourself and say “I approve of myself.” repeat this at least 3 times. Continue this practice until you feel what you are saying. The goal is to start with self approval and move on until you can easily make eye contact with yourself and say “I love you.” Louise Hay is the creator of this technique and has great books out on doing mirror work.

Tuesday, March 27th at 7:00 PM EDT on The Night Shift we will be discussing this topic as well as taking your questions for some mini readings. I invite you to tune in and if you like join our interactive Facebook chatroom:

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