Monthly Archives: January 2014

The Entrepreneurial Spirit with Kiersten Hathcock on The Nancy Ferrari Show

Happy New Year!  Nancy Ferrari looks forward to another year of sharing exceptional guests on The Nancy Ferrari Show airing live on Monday, 9:00 a.m. PT/12:00 pm ET, the first of which is Kiersten Hathcock, an ex-marketing executive turned self-taught furniture designer/builder. After graduating from Ohio University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications, she […]
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January Jones sharing The Leader of OZ, Kevin Gazarra

Meet the Authors Dr. Kevin D. Gazzara Experience - 25 years of management and leadership in industries Intel Corporation from 1989 to 2007 Managed, Intel’s first-line Managing Through People (MTP) and the Mid-level manager Leading Through People (LTP) programs. Previous positions included managing - Intel University for the US, the HR graduate rotation program, the worldwide HR mentoring program, and marketing/ product development organizations for the i960 and i750 Intel chips. Transamerica Corporation - positions for 10 years
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January Jones – A Coach & A Miracle – J-Mac!

Coach Jim Johnson’s Story By Mike Latona Based on what transpired in a few short moments in early 2006, Coach Jim Johnson is now an authority on the subject of realizing your dreams. In his many public-speaking appearances, the Rochester, New York resident relates his role in a basketball game that got Hollywood calling. He also emphasizes the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship, delivering his talks with a heartfelt style that has brought audiences to
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