January Jones – Wal-Mart Green Lights- Missing News – Bill Deane

January Jones – Missing News with Bill Deane!

Ala-Mart Green Light Program

William Deane


It looked like a wonderful idea. Many vets, for example those without obvious war injuries, are not identifiable and with green light bulbs in our windows or on our lawns can show we know they are there—they haven’t been forgotten.

But behind this is Walmart which is advertising it is committed to giving veterans groups 20 million nationwide. That sounds worthy, but how many more millions will Walmart make selling its green light bulbs starting today. they are not giving them away.

More publicity for Walmart: Promising to hire a quarter of a million vets by 2020, by 5 years from now…that’s just ONE NINTH of Walmart’s present workforce. Doesn’t seem anymore a sacrifice than the 20 million dollar openended gift to vets groups and Walmart can drag out that promise over the next hundred years, if it wants to.

With about 320 Million Americans now and Walmart collecting 36.5 Million a day in the US alone, doesn’t seem Walmart’s pockets will notice the difference. What is sickening to me is Walmart is making millions selling green light bulbs. {We are told to buy 3.} while it fools us that Walmart is sacrificing, NOT Profiting as truly it is, while it ostensibly is making a patriotic gift to our vets–me included. Bill

Our Missing News Blog.com written by William Deane is dedicated to bringing back the commitment of professional journalism. As a former network news editor, major market news director and anchor, BILL DEANE gives you the inside story often missed by media  more interested in Hollywood gossip. OUR MISSING NEWS gets into the WHY of the day’s significant events. 

 BILL DEANE is a dedicated journalist, believing in the overall good of searching and revealing for the public’s right to know. Willian Deane is the author of, Smooth Criminal the story of an alleged CIA spy and one man crime way. 

The topics for our show today will be the current event that everyone is talking about… the good, the bad and the ugly! You name it and we will be discussing it and then we will do “The Hully Gully!”

 BILL DEANE is a dedicated journalist, believing in the overall good of searching and revealing for the public’s right to know. He has 33 years experience as a writer and news assignment editor at ABC and CBS; news director in Denver and Rochester, New York; anchor at KYW, Philadelphia as well as Miami’s ABC TV affiliate, He is a member of the Radio Television News Directors Association; New York Press Club; Investigative Reporters & Editors; Society of Professional Journalists and the winner of many awards including an Edward R. Murrow for Best Coverage of a Major Breaking News Event, the Assassination of Itzhak Rabin.

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