Do you care for someone who is dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment? Are you a breast cancer patient yourself?
Tune in to Your Book Your Brand Your Business on Monday, November 12 at 5 PM Eastern when host Daria Anne welcomes clients and authors of Experts In Pink: Your Guide to Breast Health, Cindy Papale-Hammontree and Sabrina Hernandez-Cano. This recently released book builds upon their previous release Miami Breast Cancer Experts (2015), garnering rave reviews from prominent critics including actress Mariel Hemingway, who raves:
“It’s so important to be informed as a woman. Cindy and Sabrina provide a compassionate and detailed look into the impact and most importantly the solutions to empowering yourself when dealing with Breast Cancer. Thank you ladies!“
During the live broadcast, Cindy and Sabrina will discuss some of the new content included in Experts In Pink, including chapters on cardiology, dental care, and Yoga, with an emphasis on what to expect and how to cope with the side effects of treatment. We will also answer your questions from the live chat.
Please tune in to Your Book Your Brand Your Business on Monday, November 12 at 5 PM Eastern for an informative and uplifting conversation designed to help breast cancer patients and their caregivers.