Happy Summer Solstice!

June 21 heralds the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere the longest day of the year. This is due to the fact that on this day the sun travels the longest path through the sky. It is also the official first day of summer. Cancer is the astrological sign the sun falls in and represents mother, nurturing and family. Being a water sign it invites us to be flexible and fluid this time of year. Kicking back and enjoying it all. Whether at a beach,in a pool or even your bathtub the solstice invites us to dive in and soak a bit. Let out all the kinks accumulated this winter and just float!
The ancients honored this time as a sacred holiday welcoming the sun’s return. How can we honor it you may ask? Well to have a really fun time you could travel to Stonehenge where the celebration there literally attracts thousands of people or you could find a way to honor this day right in your own backyard.
Here are a few suggestions:

  • Get out in nature. Visit a park, hug a tree..well you get the idea. This is a day to celebrate Mother Earth.
  • Have a drumming circle as the sun sets honoring the light that is permeating the planet.
  • Take a sea salt bath and meditate setting an intention for what you would like to do this summer with a big focus on fun and joy.
  • Because fire is another aspect of this celebration have a bonfire and if you feel it maybe dance around it?! If not enjoy the flames and release any of the old stuff that may be holding you back.

Whatever you choose to do the key is to have fun with this celebration. It is my belief that right now focusing on the light by being as joyful as possible is the best way to spend our time. We are the beckons of sun that will brighten the path of this world even though at times it seems so dark. Having a joyous time will not only raise our vibrations but countless others that are touched by our energy. So kick up your heels, drum, dance, and just have fun!

Tuesday, June 20th at 7:00 PM Eastern time The Night Shift will explore this topic. In addition the fairies are going to visit and will be helping me do mini readings throughout the show!  I invite you to join me and the Facebook chat room: https://www.facebook.com/groups/183716975330317/

All replays available on iHeart radio https://www.iheart.com/podcast/209-The-Night-Shift-27472847/

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