Rumi, 13th-century Persian poet, and Sufi mystic said that “Only from the heart can you touch the sky.” and science is proving this to be true in more ways than one. Not only does the heart keep us physically alive but studies show the heart truly is a love center as well. The website www.heartmath.com has a multitude of information on this fascinating topic. Acts of kindness for instance keep the heart exercised as much as any aerobic workout. Simple acts of altruism help others and also the have the added bonus of strengthening our own hearts.
Another interesting fact is that the heart rhythm pattern of a person that is frustrated is dramatically different from one taken when a person is in appreciation with the appreciation pattern being much healthier.
Tuesday, 7/26 7:00 PM Eastern on The Night Shift I am going to be talking about Heart Math and the positive benefits of heart breathing and other tips to keep your heart working at its best.
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