January Jones – Angel Chatter & Askfirmations
Chris has been intuitive and sensitive for as long as she can remember with a deep yearning to serve others and help them within their lives. In fact during a session with the guidance counselor, she blurted out she wanted to be a psychologist. Now this may not sound note worthy, but it was an inspired comment as the angels came through her to speak the loving truth as this was not part of the family dynamics or her universe.
Fast forward four years; her high school guidance counselor at that time told her she would be a great court reporter. Chris succumbed and listened to the outside influence instead the influence of her heart. Bummer. Off to training she went. Got employed as administrative assistant, met her love, got married and their family exploded within one year. During the early years as a wife and mother, there were times when she was completely oblivious to her gifts and blessings, but the angels knew when she was ready.
They re-entered her life and the chatterings haven’t stopped since. Chris was guided to read about angels, intuition, the Law of Attraction, as well many many inspirational books. She also became a Certified Soul Coach, Archangel Enlightenment Therapist and a Licensed Crystal Therapist, in addition she became trained in many healing modalities. The blending of all of these flowed smoothly together creating a sense of peace, empowerment and much joy that emanated from within and propelled her further along her path of choice.
The Path of Her Heart
The process was certainly an evolutionary one! Some friendships strengthened. Some dissolved. Glorious new ones entered. True friends who could love her for her. Those who challenged her to be even better by really stepping into her blessing. She danced, had some knee-jerk reactions and went back into hiding, danced some more and slowly but surely was able to state with conviction, love and wisdom who she is and what she does. Which is:
Your Transformational Coach With Angelic Insights
Isn’t it time you embraced your destiny as well?