January Jones welcomes Chris Vaca, author of “Hitting The Tri-Fecta of Life, A Healthy Mind, Body and Pocket!

Chris Vaca



Meet Chris Vaca

I found the courage to reinvent myself, now at age 62, I enjoy being An Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Trainer and Author, as well as having a series of videos on YouTube called Over 50 And Broke and a web-site with the same name.

My latest book Hitting The Tri-Fecta Of Life, A Healthy Mind Body and Pocket has just hit Amazon. It is a light hearted look at achieving happiness. We all want true happiness, but many just do not know how to go about finding a path to happiness.

My book titled “Age Should Never Be An Excuse For Not Succeeding” Restoring Hope In Your life, has been a constant seller on Amazon.


Don’t Forget To View All My Videos On YouTube
 Chris Now Enjoys Being An Entrepreneur Public Speaker, Trainer and Author
“Many Guru’s say, if you want to grow your wealth for your old age you need to cut your standard of living and live below your means, for me that is not an option, I am looking to raise my standard of living so that I can enjoy life, and the world is full of opportunities.” Chris Vaca On Life.