January Jones welcomes Holiday Guest
Pam Evans
Author of RingEXchange
ATTN: Mulitple Marriers

January Jones is pleased to welcome back for the second time around…Pam Evans. She’s the Author of Ring EXchange – Adventures of a Multiple Marrier which is a book about Pam’s own journey and the missteps she made that led to four marriages and four divorces before her 50th birthday. Also, Pat Bubash, author of Successful Second Marriages, joins in the conversation.
Pam did the hard work of self-discovery and reflection about her past choices that eventually led her to some important realizations about her relationship and marriage patterns. From there, Pam learned how to break those destructive patterns by taking control of her life and finding out who she really is.
Pam loves to have the opportunity to share her insights and wisdom about being a Multiple Marrier with others–whether they are single, considering marriage, divorced, married, or have never been married. She refers to herself as a “hybrid individual,” since such a wide variety of experiences, people and places have influenced her positive outlook and her intriguing story.
Raised outside a small town in western North Carolina, Pam Evans spent her adolescence through young adulthood in the New York area before relocating to California. Pam now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and has worked in the marketing and sales support sectors for major Silicon Valley high-tech companies for the past 20+ years.
Pam is also a “newlywed” in that she recently got married “AGAIN”, but after a 13-year marital hiatus. This is going to be an interesting and fun conversation and one which I hope will inspire you to find your happiness and personal success in life.