January Jones welcomes Toni Harris, The Turnaround Queen!

January Jones welcomes Toni Harris, The Turnaround Queen!

About Me


Toni Harris, affectionately known as “The Turnaround Queen” is a passionate, dynamic and energetic speaker who “wows” audiences across the country, melding best practices with real world solutions.

Toni has over 20 years experience as an entrepreneur has had many major successes along the way. Her speaking platform is all about taking drastic steps outside of your comfort zone to achieve your dreams. Toni is the queen of drastic steps and has numerous success stories personally, professionally and financially.

Utilizing personal and professional experience, Toni has developed programs that help others make marked improvements in their lives. Because of her phenomenal success and ability to teach others, Toni is continually invited to teach and inspire other professionals.




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