New Moon April 7 Energy

The New Moon energy is ushered in on April 7th. A New Moon signifies a time when the moon is 0% illuminated and the beginning of a 28 day cycle which ends with the Full Moon which would be April 22nd. In astrology it is believed that New Moon energy lends itself to being a great time to make a fresh start and being in Aries this month it signifies a time of change. Because much of April will be a bit of a roller coaster ride energetically speaking what will begin as chaotic and unexpected change will switch to a more structured planned change.


What does this mean for you? It is a good time to set an intention to create something you would like to bring into your life. Start with a to do list. Is there clutter that needs to be cleared? This may be the first step in clearing the way to bring in something new. If this is the case set some time to do just that prioritizing the things you need and discarding the things it is time to let go of. Maybe you are considering a new job but have just not had the gumption to start the process. The solution? Use this New Moon energy to update your resume.

We are going to be talking about all of this and more this week on The Night Shift along with taking your calls and questions in the Facebook chat room. If you haven’t joined yet just click on the link: 
