What do SPAMALOT, Monty Python, Entr’acte Theatrix Have in Common?

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252317_291855140911522_6010635_nW4CY Radio brought to you by The Intertainment Network and 5 Minutes to Curtain recommend a night on the town you won’t forget for only $20. Do you love theatre? Do you love Monty Python? Then you need to click the link right here? http://entractetheatrix.org/ Here is the link for buying tickets https://www.choicesecure03.net/mainapp/eventschedule.aspx?Clientid=OldSchool&prod=SPAM

Spamalot facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/events/556628264357299/?fref=ts

Entr’Acte Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/EntrActePB?fref=ts