10.22.12 “CHER”ing “My” Smile with Guest, Parenting Expert, “Coach” Judy



Coach Judy Romanoff, Parenting Expert, in the area of Divorce and Single Parenting, who writes a blog for on the on live version of the, “Divorce Magazine,” a talk show host since 2002, with “Coach Judy Live Talk Show,” has also been known since 1994, as the “Voice for Single Parents. She is a former Guardian Ad Litem of the Courts, and helps people to “Get the Facts so They can Act and Be an Informed Consumer,” through the, National Phoenix award winning organization, National Single Parent Resource Center, she founded.

Judy helps families prepare for family court in areas of Custody, Visitation, Child Support, Divorce, Issues Grandparents face with single parent children, and has added the new area of,
Helping one deal with Adversity.

People have called her, “the Dr. Phil of Family Court, to the Oprah of S. Florida,” because of her knowledge, compassion, and passion to help families, “Work in the best interest of the children.” She has attended the college of Live Experiences and directs her expertise into supporting the needs of today’s society

Coach Judy has now incorporated business with becoming resources for the organization. She offer’s them the opportunities to increase their profits by increasing their marketing visibility and offers workshops to enhance employee productivity.

Judy’s offers programs include: Individual and Group coaching, DVD Training kit titled, “Practical Knowledge for Facing Divorce and Single Parenthood,” to creating a Business Resource Directory of Quality and Diversified Business, which can be viewed at www.nationalsingleparent.org and www.coachjudy.info.

With witnessing first hand abuse, she created a new fund called, “P.M.A.” This stands for, Programs and Materials for reducing the Risks of Abuse. A fund has been set up in that name to raise money for parents who can’t afford the programs offered. The goal is to provide the training kit to parents at risk of being abused during the divorce, separation, or already dealing with abuse, so they can become empowered, and achieve their goals.

Judy has added programs that help one to create their own business and improve their existing financial situation.

Coach Judy can be contacted at Judy@CoachJudy.info, or call at 561.441.8557.

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