It’s Lunch Box Time! Ready Solutions – Recipes (SUNDAY. 1pm ET)


What happened to this summer?  School starts next week for some. Other kids will be walking into their new classrooms soon afterwards. Maybe some of you have been making lunches to go all summer for camp.  You must be really tired of packing the same ole, same ole sandwiches, single serve snacks and drinks.  Those who have had a lunch box summer break are most likely dreading this fill-it-up routine for school.

Good News!  We have new fresh healthier ideas for you that kids love.  Our Family Food Experts co-hosts, the NutritionBabes, Kathy Siegel and Lauren Harris-Pincus (both dietitians and moms) have easy lunch box fillers for you.  So does our expert food guest, Catherine McCord.  Her new book is just hitting the market: Weelicious Lunches : Think Outside the Lunch Box with More Than 160 Happier Meals.  Get a sneak peek with us.  If you fill lunch boxes daily, then this is a show not to be missed.

Come into our Family Food Experts Kitchen, Sunday, Aug. 11th, 1pm ET,  See you then!

… for the health of your family,
ellen (host)
Family Food



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