January Jones welcomes Julie McGrath, The Joy Source, on Monday, May 28th at 9 pm ET.

January Jones welcomes Julie McGrath, The Joy Source, on Monday, May 28th at 9 pm ET.  

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About Julie

A few years ago, Julie McGrath made a choice…She decided she was going to live her life.

Now, we all make that choice every day…Or do we?

Do we decide to fully participate in our lives, not sitting idly by waiting for something, but are called to action?

Do we take risks to grow and step out of our comfort zones and reap our own rewards?

Do we create and live our lives exactly how we want- go in pursuit of our lost dreams and fulfill them?

Do we ignite our fires from the inside, tap into our strengths and love with our whole hearts?

Do we live each day with JOY and PASSION?

Julie McGrath does.

A licensed social worker, Julie watched women disappear into parenting, relationships, work and lose their true selves and desires. The women around her were becoming empty shells of who they once were, full of guilt at the prospect of taking the precious time needed for themselves.  A strong advocate for women, Julie said enough!  In 2009, she created The Joy Source to encourage and empower women to rediscover themselves, find their joy and passion, and live it!

And that is what Julie does. She moves forward and puts her energy into living the life she has always imagined.

Yes, it is possible, Julie is proof of that, but it takes work. It takes motivation, a strong belief in yourself, determination and a fair share of dreaming. Don’t let years go watching those around you get what they want in life. Now is your time.

Just imagine…a more joyful and purposeful life.

One that has you radiant with excitement for each day…each moment. That feeling of being in the FLOW- that you are exactly where you should be, doing what you should be doing and loving every minute of it.

That is what The Joy Source is about- discovering the truths within you, honoring them, and most importantly, living each day with a strong sense of purpose.

Feelings of joy and wholeness come from living a balanced life. One where you put your wants and passions on the to-do list. Do you know what stirs the passion in you? What gets your blood pumping and soul excited?

As women, we too often give so much of ourselves to others- our precious time, our energy and we often forget to nurture ourselves until it’s too late. Feelings of anger, resentfulness and frustration set in.

Pretty soon we feel depleted and drained, and we stop listening to what WE want to do and end up living for other people. Does this sound familiar? Are you heading down this track, or are you at the station…burnt out, used up and completely unable to remember what you love to do and what makes you who you are?

If this sounds like you, then I encourage you to take the time to restore your spirit and nourish your soul. 

Rediscover that glow that makes you smile so wide  and want to get up each day! 

You’re worth it!

It’s time to rediscover what inspires you! It’s never too late!


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