Category Archives: communication strategies


It doesn’t take much to anger some people. Even the most innocent comments can cause some tempers to flare. Innocuous situations can be misinterpreted leading to screaming matches, cursing, or physical altercations. In an instant, violence can erupt where calm once existed and destruction of property, injury to one’s person, or psychological damage can occur. […]
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We all seek to be powerful. I’m not speaking necessarily about having authority over others but we certainly want to have control over our own lives. Yet even the most well-intentioned, enlightened person wants to control a particular situation or individual at times. Certainly, parents impose their authority over their children which is not necessarily […]
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Rumors and Gossip: Damage Control, Part 2

They all complained about the daily gossip that ran rampant among them. Every one participated in it yet ironically no one could understand why they would be targeted. In the fifteen years I worked at the battered women’s shelter, both staff and residents criticize those who engaged in rumors while also being the first to […]
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Seven Communication Strategies to Reduce Anger and Conflict

Why is it so hard to talk to one another? Unless you’re a recluse, it’s something we all do every day. Perhaps because I’m a motivational speaker, author, and radio host I can talk ad infinitum. I actually find it enjoyable and relatively easy. Yet there is a significant difference between talking and communicating: talking […]
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