I’d venture to say that everyone of us has had to deal with annoying people at some point in our lives. Whether it’s a family member who is in everyone’s business, a coworker who continually needs your assistance, the know-it-alls who always have to be right or a friend who talks incessantly, short of removing […]
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Category Archives: communication
Emotional Intelligence and Anger
In 1995, author, psychologist, and science journalist, Daniel Goleman, wrote a book entitled, Emotional Intelligence which made its way to The New York Times bestseller list for a year-and-a-half. It was a relatively new concept designed to assist companies in determining which characteristics defined leadership qualities in their employees. Certainly one’s level of intelligence, (IQ), […]
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Anger: Incident or Issue?
In the years that I facilitated my support group for estranged families, I primarily worked with older parents whose adult children had severed their relationship with them. The parents were perplexed: “I was a good parent”, they declared. “I gave my children the best of everything. There is no reason why they should be punishing […]
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3 Must Have’s That Resolve Conflict
Conflict is a natural and even healthy aspect of life. It enables us to see another perspective of an issue, to creatively discuss and seek solutions to our differences, to learn to be open-minded and flexible, to practice the fine art of compromise or in some instances to graciously concede to the other party’s wishes. […]
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When Silence Isn’t Golden
We’re all familiar with the phrase “Silence is golden”. This proverb dates as far back as ancient Egypt, making reference to the importance of keeping quiet under certain circumstances. The first example of it being used in English is credited to the poet Thomas Carlyle in 1831. Certainly there are times when silence is the […]
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Sarcasm, Fear, and Arrogance
Consider the following scenario: you and your neighbor engage in a political discussion. After a few moments, it becomes apparent that the two of you have serious disagreements about the upcoming presidential elections. Being equally as passionate about your positions, the debate quickly becomes heated. You, a more confident narrator, have more specific points to […]
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Inspired Communication
The purpose of communication is so individuals can freely share their ideas, feelings, thoughts, and needs with one another as a means of better understanding themselves and the situation at hand. However it can present a unique set of challenges for several reasons: 1) As children we are not typically taught how to communicate – […]
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How to Start and/or Stop an Argument
Being a part of any relationship for a period of time affords an individual the opportunity to learn what works and what doesn’t with each respective person. I may be able to discuss politics with Uncle Joe but Aunt Sue? Never! He’s open minded to other people’s views and enjoys a lively debate. Aunt Sue, […]
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How to Make a Difficult Conversation Easier
Conversations can be risky at times. The more sensitive the topic, the more delicately we need to approach it while maintaining a truthful and honest demeanor . The subtle balance between being blunt and abrasive or being effectual is one that many are not equipped to navigate. In my more than twenty years as a […]
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Rumors and Gossip: Damage Control, Part 2
They all complained about the daily gossip that ran rampant among them. Every one participated in it yet ironically no one could understand why they would be targeted. In the fifteen years I worked at the battered women’s shelter, both staff and residents criticize those who engaged in rumors while also being the first to […]
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