Category Archives: emotions

Anger and the 2 “F” Words

No, I’m not speaking about that “F” word. I’m going to address two different words beginning with the letter “f” and how they influence the decisions we make, our responses in any given situation, and how the outcome adds to or subtracts from our happiness and/or contributes to our anger. Those two words are “feelings” […]
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Emotional Intelligence and Anger

In 1995, author, psychologist, and science journalist, Daniel Goleman, wrote a book entitled, Emotional Intelligence which made its way to The New York Times bestseller list for a year-and-a-half. It was a relatively new concept designed to assist companies in determining which characteristics defined leadership qualities in their employees. Certainly one’s level of intelligence, (IQ), […]
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January Jones – 2016 Success with Dr. Simon Casey

Simon Casey is a nationally known Author, Speaker, Educator and the founder of Emotional Mastery Program. Graduated from Waltham College in London with emphasis on pre-med. He concluded alcoholism studies and Forensic Mental Health in Clinical Practice programs at University of Irvine. Later he graduated from California Coast University and received his Doctorate in Psychology. He is a licensed Alcohol and drug abuse counselor as well as and Board Certified Eating Disorders Specialist. He concluded
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Using Emotions As Tools

Very often people query me as to whether or not anger is a bad emotion to which I reply “No.” All emotions have purpose and value. None are good or bad. They simply are. It is how we utilize them, our actions, that determines their positive or negative value. Emotions are messengers that help us […]
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How to Approach and Assist an Angry Person

We all encounter angry people in every walk of life. Some will confront them, others avoid them like the plague. There are times when either approach is acceptable. I do not like drama. However, I am concerned about others when they appear upset. And I am very knowledgeable as to how to help them. After […]
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“The sharpest sword is a word spoken in wrath.” (The Buddha). A little boy, prone to anger, was told by his father, “Every time you’re angry, drive a nail in that wooden fence. When you’ve learned to control your anger, start removing them.” Six months later, the boy had removed every nail he had driven. […]
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10 Tips for Dealing With Difficult People

Difficult people – ya gotta love em! Or not. Whether you do or don’t, it’s a fact of life that they are all around us – in our families, places of employment, communities, social events, and everywhere else. For whatever reasons, we all have personal issues that cause us to behave in ways others may […]
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Children of Divorce: The Angry Aftermath

Divorce is difficult for everyone. Even though children are resilient in many areas of life, divorce takes its toll on the youngest family members as well. While superficially they may appear to be fine, their internal struggles and turmoil are often hidden beneath an exterior of normalcy. Confusion, anger, hurt, frustration, fear, and anxiety are […]
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The Dangers of Tolerating or Accepting What You Can’t Change (and the Surprising Alternative)

Years ago, there was a major campaign in schools teaching children to tolerate the difference of others. It was an attempt to create a more comfortable and conducive environment for children of all cultures and ethnic backgrounds to coexist peacefully. I suppose some good came of it but still kids had difficulty being forced to […]
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Pet Peeves: The Things That Anger Us the Most

I frequently receive emails from people upset about something in their life that is not going according to their plans. They scrutinize the behaviors of others and complain because people are not doing what they are supposed to be doing according to their standards. Some of the most frequent complaints I hear are: Lying – […]
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