Daily Archives: May 28, 2014

Weak, Meek or Strong: a Biblical Perspective on Anger

The first verse of the Beatitudes in the Bible says, “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth.” Like many others, I always had difficulty with the term meek. To me, it was synonymous with being weak. And yet nothing could be farther from the truth. The word meek comes from the Greek […]
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January Jones-Dottie’s House-Safe Haven

Carol A. Wolfe is unquestionably a hero. Through her New Jersey-based non-profit Dottie’s House, she has created a safe haven for hundreds of women who felt they had no options and no place to go to escape the daily hell they faced in what should have been their very own sanctuary - their home. In 1999, after reading a number of articles about the epidemic of domestic violence (of which her mother was a victim)
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January Jones – We Don’t Die!

Sandra Champlain, #1 Bestselling Author of We Donʼt Die - A Skepticʼs Discovery of Life After Death A fear of dying and a massive dose of skepticism led Sandra Champlain on a fifteen-year journey of discovery for proof of life after death. Through the disciplines of science and medicine, she uncovered the clear, undeniable truth that we don't die. However, she kept this information to herself, fearful of what others might think. The death
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