Category Archives: livedtotellit

January Jones- Abused & Lived to Tell It

Hanna Lulgjuraj - Murray was shot in the chest in cold blood and was left for dead and Lived to Tell It. Hanna's story is very compelling and riveting.  It's a true crime account about survival and courage.  Hanna was living a beautiful life, a life of dreams that suddenly all changed.  Her dreamlike life turned to horror as her raging husband stood across from her and fired his gun.  By a miracle, she survived
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January Jones- Abused & Lived to Tell It

Hanna Lulgjuraj - Murray was shot in the chest in cold blood and was left for dead and Lived to Tell It. Hanna's story is very compelling and riveting. It's a true crime account about survival and courage. Hanna was living a beautiful life, a life of dreams that suddenly all changed.
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