Daily Archives: July 12, 2016

Love or Fear?

I believe that no matter what challenges we face in life we come from a place of love or fear. We can approach a situation with compassion, kindness or empathy or we can go to anger, jealousy, or hate. Regardless which of these reactions that we experience they are rooted in love or fear. I […]
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The Spirits Guru of Gardiner, NY

For 25 years “on the rocks” meant climbing the ‘Gunks in New York’s Hudson Valley and managing rock climbing gyms in New York City for native New Yorker  Ralph Erenzo. These days it has a new meaning  for him as Co-Founder of Tuthilltown Distillery,  located on a former gristmill in the verdant Gardiner countryside just a short […]
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Meet This Heavenly Bartender of the Year- The Connected Table LIVE July 13

We have many reasons to love New Orleans, from the amazing food and architecture to the southern hospitality and good friends and family. It’s our home away from home, and we always find reasons to return as often as we can. We enjoy visiting Chef Nina Compton’s Compère Lapin for the Carribbean spiced food and to […]
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