Category Archives: change

January Jones welcomes Julie McGrath, The Joy Source, on Monday, May 28th at 9 pm ET.

A few years ago, Julie McGrath made a choice…She decided she was going to live her life. Now, we all make that choice every day…Or do we? Do we decide to fully participate in our lives, not sitting idly by waiting for something, but are called to action? Do we take risks to grow and step out of our comfort zones and reap our own rewards? Do we create and live our lives
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I Don’t Do Ugly

She’s strikingly beautiful: tall, large oval-shaped eyes, full lips, dark flowing hair. Her exotic look could land her on the cover of any fashion magazine. Her personality perfectly suits her ample frame. She’s outgoing and bubbly, intense and opinionated and I’ve enjoyed the two years she’s spend in my anger management group. She is well-known […]
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The FGA Quotient (Frustration, Guilt, Anger)

My guest today was Chloe Jonpaul who spoke about the FGA Quotient. FGA stands for frustration, guilt and anger. All are interconnected in some way. And while each creates an uncomfortable environment for us, we need to pay attention to them (as with all emotions) for they all have value and purpose. Frustration is an […]
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