Category Archives: emotional healing

3 Keys to Anger-Free Life

Have you been upset about an issue that seems to make no sense and asked yourself, “Why did I get so angry over something that was relatively minor?” Oftentimes, our response is triggered not by the present issue but from an alternative source. Odd as it may seem, the past and future can hold the […]
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You Can ‘Thank’ Away Anger

I’m a very polite person. I was taught to always say “please” and “thank you” when I was a child, a practice that has continued throughout my adult life. However, I never realized the latter phrase could be used as a means of eliminating anger. You might think it an odd concept but let me […]
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Why Do I Feel The Way I Do?

People often believe that they are slaves to their emotions: “I hate feeling like this but I can’t help it.” Some are ashamed of their emotions and try to hide them; still others find some to be offensive, frightening or sinful. But the truth is that all feelings have purpose and value. They are essential […]
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New Year – No Anger

Here it is: the beginning of another new year. All around the globe people are making New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, be happier, spend more quality time with their families and so on. I find it rather odd that in a world filled with anger and violence no one makes a declaration to “not […]
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Peace on Earth, Beyond the Season

Ah, the holidays! A wonderful time of the year for many reasons: the birth of Jesus, Christmas decorations, the exchanging of gifts, families coming together to celebrate, and holiday carols that remind us of “peace on Earth, good will towards men”. It’ s a lovely sentiment that for most seems as elusive as the unicorn […]
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Betrayal, Injustice, and Loss: Getting Beyond the Anger

One of the predominant complaints I hear from my clients is “This isn’t fair!” Referring to an incident where they or someone else has suffered a perceived injustice, they feel angered that things were not equitable. There is a universal misconception that if you play by the rules you will be treated justly. If you […]
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Creating a Peace Plan

While it’s important to understand, express, manage, diffuse, and heal your anger, imagine how much easier it would be to prevent outside forces from irritating you from the get go? You can learn to be emotionally unaffected by the drama and chaos around you. Rest assured, I’m not suggesting that you allow people to behave […]
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Violence, 911, and War: There’s a Better Way

Since the beginning of time, wars have been fought in an effort to bring about peace. Have we accomplished that yet? Maybe violence isn’t the answer. I am a peace lover. Not only do I promote peaceful coexistence but I also live peacefully with others. I do not argue or fight; I do not promote […]
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Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word

Saying, “I’m sorry” doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people. For some, it’s viewed as a sign of weakness putting them in a vulnerable position. Yet apologizing is anything but weak. It is actually a sign of great strength. Imagine the risk of acknowledging that we have done something wrong without knowing how the […]
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