Category Archives: interview

Kids Cook Monday – RECIPES. Thur. 1pm ET

Simply put, this is all about turning your kitchen into a family night on Mondays so they can at least help you cook dinner.  The creator of this movement is our guest, Diana Rice, RDN (The Monday Campaigns). She was moved to do so because research suggests that kids who eat family dinners together get […]
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SarahSpiritual invites you to be our guest for

Sarah Spiritual Enterprises The Expedito Enlightenment Center April 2014 SarahSpiritual invites you to be our guest for…  … Our Sixth Annual Expedito Celebration of Community and Miracles Saturday Evening, April 12 at 5:30 PM AT The Expedito Enlightement Center 4047 Okeechobee Blvd Habitat Plaza WPB – Shine or Rain – Join us for our Expedito […]
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Mindful Eating. Why this matters! Meet Keri Gans. Thurs. 1pm ET

Have you ever looked down at an empty bag of chips or pint of ice cream and wondered where it all went?  Then it hits you, you ate all of it though you only remember enjoying the first couple of bites.  This would be mindless eating.   How about the time you bought a large popcorn […]
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Tea, the IN Drink. RECIPES. SUNDAY. 1pm, ET

“There is something magical about a cup of Tea.” At least that’s what Starbuck’s says.  Tea has been declared the IN drink for 2014.  In the rest of the world, tea has been the drink of choice since 2737 BC when first discovered by the emperor of China. The history of tea is interesting and […]
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Food Sound Bites – Science Fiction or Fact. SUNDAY. 1pm ET

Here’s your chance to learn what food news is science fiction or science fact.  How many times have you heard it is okay to eat egg yolks one day and the next, not!  Or, perhaps you only heard part of what was said, which may be just part of what was reported from the research; […]
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Healing Meals. RECIPES. SUNDAY. 1pm ET

Most of us have faced the struggle of how to feed a child back to health who is sick with the flu or a cold.  Some have dealt with nursing loved ones who have had ear infections, stomach bugs, chickenpox or bronchitis.  Now, too many are now facing the difficult challenge of how to feed […]
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Weeknight Wonders Recipes by Ellie Krieger of Food Network, TODAY. 1pm ET

It’s Thursday night and you have nothing for dinner.  Take- out is expensive and not so healthy.  What is a mom to do?  And, what will you serve on all those other work night dinners: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday?  Ellie Krieger RD, noted chef on the Food Network, nutritionist, and cookbook author is here to […]
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Eating to Avoid Our Toxic World. RECIPES. Meet Expert Dr. Doris Rapp, SUNDAY. 1pm ET

What do you think makes a those strawberries pictured on the front and found inside a cereal box look, smell and taste like strawberries even when they aren’t real?  Chemicals: dyes, flavors and aromas made out of derivatives from coal tar and petroleum. UGH!  Yes, this is true and just the tip of the iceberg […]
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Self Care, Self Love. RECIPES. SUNDAY, 1pm ET

Moms are guilty of putting everyone in their family first, right?  Are your kids are loved and cared for to the point of exhausting you? Even extended family members’ needs often come before moms.  It’s time to change this.  As the airlines tell us every time we fly, put the oxygen mask on you (mom) […]
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Heart Healthy Fats. Recipes! SUNDAY. 1pm ET on W4WN radio

So many are afraid to eat fat. There is so much controversy and confusion over the role fat plays in one’s health, and especially heart health.  As a result, many avoid fats all together.  Together with our guest, Sylvia Klinger, RDN (Hispanic Nutrition) and food consultant, co-host Stacey Antine, RDN (HealthBarn USA) author of Appetite […]
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