Category Archives: Live Radio Broadcast

Simply Yummy Raw Food. RECIPES. Thurs. 1pm ET

CHEF ANDY, Certified Raw Food Chef When you hear raw food do you say, “Ugh.” Think again! Apples and berries are raw food. So are carrots, lettuce and tomatoes. Question is, how do you make an entire meal out of raw food that is not tasteless and boring? To answer this, our guest, Chef Andy […]
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Meet “The Food Teacher” of the United Kingdom. TODAY. 1pm ET

Because Jamie Oliver’s food programs originated in England, the question is, are kids there now choosing to eat healthier foods? If not, what is turning kids on to better-for- you meals there? Or, are they eating them at all? What about the school lunch programs – have they improved? Or, are moms in the United […]
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Depression and Global Consciousness – A Very Unique Perspective

I recently read an article that described depression as “a psychological reaction to the violent deformities of the modern world.” I found that statement deeply provocative and began to ponder it’s meaning. “Anger turned inward” doesn’t satisfy me anymore. I do not subscribe to the belief that depression is a disease nor am I of […]
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Smart Snacks! RECIPES. TODAY. 1pm ET

Are you surprised to learn, snacks are the fastest growing food category? 90% of people snack at least once a day. 60% or more snack 2 and even 3 times a day. Snacks have become mini-meals. Challenge: which are the Smart Snacks we should be grabbing as we race through the grocery store? What ones […]
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Conquering Depression: There is Hope

Regardless of how many tragedies occur in this country due to mental health issues, for many Americans there is still a stigma attached to those who suffer. Few are willing to openly address the issue. Tragedies such as Adam Lanza’s mass murder of over twenty innocent elementary school children in Newtown, Ct. stirred nation-wide outrage […]
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Simply Gluten Free Quick Meals! RECIPES. SUNDAY. 1pm ET

Does the thought of eating Gluten-Free paralyze you? At first, many think it is the end of fine dining.  Not at all!  In fact, whether you avoid gluten foods for medical reasons or not, you are going to find it is a delicious nutritious, energizing and uplifting way to eat. Thanks to our guest, Carol […]
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Healing Anger Natur-ally

Several years ago, I had a client whose nine-year old son had anger issues. His doctor diagnosed him with ADD and suggested medication to quell his angry outbursts. “What do you think?” the mother inquired of me. Not an advocate of prescription medications (with the exception of the most extreme cases), I told her honestly […]
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BBQ Meal Makeovers! RECIPES. SUNDAY. 1pm ET on W4WN radio

Cheesy Black Bean Burger It’s time to shake loose and step up your traditional BBQ recipes and menus to a whole new delicious level! BBQ doesn’t just mean the ketchup, brown sugar and vinegar sauce found in a bottle. You’ll find you can make your own healthier out-of-this world version. Instead of leaning on meat and […]
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PROD Method of Conflict Resolution

Conflict: one of the most feared words in the English language and sadly one of the most misunderstood as well. My mission: to bring deeper awareness to this benign term, to remove all preconceived negativity associated with disagreements, and to reinstate it’s position of value in our vocabulary. If anyone is prepared to undertake such […]
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Frozen Fruit Fun! RECIPES. SUNDAY. 1pm ET on W4WN radio

It’s the perfect time of year to have some frozen fruit fun! Fresh berries, peaches, plums, melons, mangoes and more are everywhere and their prices are right! Here’s your chance to find out all the ways you can prepare frozen fruit treats your family can enjoy all year round. From Blueberry Lemon Pudding Pops, Fro […]
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